بِسْمِ اللَّهِ الرَّحْمَٰنِ الرَّحِيم

Ya Allah!Limpahkanlah rahmat yang penuh dan kesejahteraan yang sempurna ke atas penghulu kami Nabi Muhammad SAW yang terungkai dengannya oleh simpulan dan terhapus dengannya oleh segala kesusahan dan diselesai dengannya dengan segala hajat dan dicapai dengannya segala kegemaran dan mudah-mudahan cantik kesudahan serta diharapkan turun hujan dengan berkat wajahnya yang mulia.Dan juga di atas keluarganya dan sahabat-sahabatnya pada setiap detik dan nafas dengan bilangan setiap yang maklum bagiMu.

March 29, 2012

Tak Suka Jumpa Doktor!

Percaya atau tidak, salah satu sebab kenapa saya ambil medic adalah kerana saya sangat tak suka jumpa doktor! Tak kira doktor perubatan mahupun doktor gigi, saya tetap tak suka! Dengan harapan kalau saya tak sihat, saya akan boleh diagnose sendiri and know what to do.

Seriously, dari kecil2 semut sampai la ke besar2 gajah sekarang ni, saya memang liat sangat sangat sangat nak jumpa doktor. Kalau setakat demam sampai tak boleh bangun langsung + muntah 10 kali sehari sampai langsung tak boleh nak tolerate orally, itu biasa je la. Lebih rela dibungkus dengan comforter + off the fan biar berpeluh pelai sampai basah lenjun cadar, then I'll be ok  *most of the time*

Kalau cirit-birit pon, saya akan paksa diri minum air banyak2 dan minum handmade air garam. Dan saya akan pastikan saya duk dekat dengan toilet so that I can do my bussiness as soon as possible everytime I have the urge *because of course we dont have much time to think or postpone it right*

See..betapa 'bencinya' saya dengan mereka yang bergelar doktor!

Tapi entri ini sebenarnya lebih kepada cerita saya perihal doktor gigi. Waktu di Ting 3, saya pergi buat dental check up. Of course bukan saya yang pergi dengan rela hati tapi nurse datang ke sekolah dan every student wajib gi check gigi sebab kedatangan diambil...ngeng! Punya laa menggigil satu badan bila nak sampai turn tu. Nurse suruh bukak mulut je pun dulu, tapi saya dah mula rasa ngilu dan pegang kain sekolah kuat2. *anxiety disorder sungguh*

Saya diberitahu gigi saya perlu ditampal dan saya harus ke klinik gigi untuk pemeriksaan seterusnya. Agak2 awak kan saya pergi tak?

Yaaaa betul! Saya tak pergi. Dah tak sakit, buat apa nak pergi kan. Cuma kadang-kadang tu je la ada sakit kat gigi geraham belakang bila makan daging *especially bila raya haji..weee daging bakar best*

So bila dah tahu sakit, elakkan la makan kan. Tak pun, saya akan kunyah dengan gigi depan. Heee..baekk punya strategi kan?

Sehinggalah bulan lepas, kawan saya *dental student* minta tolong jadi patient beliau sebab patient beliau yang lepas tak dapat datang untuk check up. So alang2 tak ada kerja dan untuk tidak mengecewakan beliau, saya pun setuju laa... *a big WOW to me sebab mampu atasi masalah takut doktor gigi*

Nak tau apa end result daripada check up tersebut? Dental caries ++ ok! Dan hari ni saya pergi buat tampalan gigi. Ini untuk first round dan mungkin banyak round lagi lepas ni..sedih! Double sedih sebab kena postpone pakai braces :((((((((((((((((((((((

Triple sedih bila doktor kata lubang tersebut mungkin terlalu dalam dan kemungkinan kena buat CRT!! *apa CRT??cari sendiri.tak nak bagitau sini sebab sedih sangat* 

Untuk sementara ni, buat temporary filling dulu dan tengok kalau2 ada sakit and other symptoms, baru buka balik dan tengok. Kalau dah involve akar, so kena proceed buat CRT. Kalau tak, boleh proceed dengan permanent filling laa. So tolong tolong tolong doakan gigi saya kembali ok?!Hiii. Plus rajin2 la jaga gigi awak tu ye cik ishanokokoro :))

See...betapa buruk padahnya bila anda 'benci' doktor! *wekk wekk*

Nasihat ikhlas saya, rajin-rajin kan la diri anda untuk buat check up. Tak kira check up apa pun. Walaupun tak sakit! Diulang, walaupun tak sakit! 

Medical check up, dental check up, mammogram, pap smear blaa blaa
Nak dijadikan cerita kan, kalau saya rasa macam badan ni tak best je kan, saya akan buat medical check up sendiri. Check gula sendiri kat wad, dengar dengupan jantung sendiri, buat physical examination kat badan sendiri ataupun pergi unit transfusi darah untuk check kandungan Hb dalam kan?

Moral of the story

:: Healthex 2009 masa tahun 2 ::
- mudanyaaa nampak saya masa niii :p -

:: sehingga bertemu lagi ::

March 22, 2012

An emo me

Today I'm very emotional.Dont know why la.PMS kott? :p
After a few events that occured today, I wish I am a very expert doctor!

"Live life to the fullest...but you must know your limitations and responsibilities!!"
-quoted by Dr Halina Yunos-
(alaaa wife Dr Sheikh Muszaphar tu laa)

Makin lama duk dalam clinical posting ni, makin saya realize being a doctor is not easy, at all.
(yes no doubt with the other professions also but I focused on medical profession because it's what I'm going to be in 1 year time insyaAllah)

One scenario.
She is a houseman officer who is oncall. After review patients in the ward at that night, she was called by A&E people to review a 60 years old patient who presented with chest pain. Urgent blood investigations were out and showed hyperkalaemia. So, what should she do?

"You are not graduated from medical schools if you dont know how to treat hyperkalaemia."
-quoted by a registrar (doctor who will become a specialist soon)-

Nampak macam small matter..alaa potassium je pon big deal la..and you dig your own grave!
Patient can die with hyperkalaemia you know. How? Google eh? :)

And today, I asked myself,
"Am I qualified enough to have the title 'Dr' in front of my name??"
Aiyooo...boleh pengsan bila fikir :P

Sometimes kan I feel like I take this for granted. Always make it in the simplest way although it is not simple AT ALL. Go ward rounds, seminars, classes, teachings, fullfill the logbook requirements and at the end, I learned nothing. Oh my goodness! Very bad attitude lah.

"Remember, you (later when become a houseman officer) are the 1st liner. You are the first one who will clerk the patient  before others. So you must know what to do, what to elicit."
-quoted again-

1 year left for me to polish everything that I'm lacking of.

::::: surgery posting :::::

  • Rasa macam makin makin jauh from my spiritual source....Astaghfirullahalazim
  • The One that you should seek for is Allah SWT The Almighty

March 17, 2012

'Terkenang Semasa Dulu' Part I

~22 tahun yang lalu
Memang tak boleh tahan gelak betol la setiap kali tgk gambar ni  :p
Masing2 muka innocent + blur + tak tau pape
17 budak kecik ; 9 boys + 8 girls 
Ini semua adalah cucu Tok Wan Mahmood & Tok Che Halimah
(psstt : exclude Atin, Okie & Sarah sebab tak lahir lagi masa ni)
Average umur adalah 14 tahun - 1 tahun (maybe??)
And I was the youngest ok!Hahaaa
Btw, jumpa tak cik manis ishanokokoro kat mana?? (carik sendiri!) 
P/s : kalau raya tahun ni masing2 duk posisi yg sama macam ni, agak2 possible tak?? :p

Baca komen2 ni pon dah satu hal gelak tak berhenti
Sakit orbicularis oris malam tu
Jaw pun rasa ketat semacam 

Tak sabarnyaaaaaaaaa nak tunggu Family Day tahun niiiiiiiiii
Abang2 & Kakak2 semua dah sibuk kumpul gambar2 lama yang mostly black & white
Sesuai dengan tema!
Bila tengok gambar2 scan yang upload kat  Membunga Interaktif  plus plan 'orang2 tua' kat  blog , ohh lagi laa excited!
Btw, masa tu saya tengah posting Oftal.
Agak2 boleh tak hilang sekejap-sekejap dari kelas? Ngeee ~

-tajuk entri tak bleh blah..part 1 konon
-tgk2 laa kalu rajin2 nanti, i uplad lah yang part II pulak eh..insyaAllah

March 10, 2012

The kids are awesome!


Just finished my paediatric posting, a 6 weeks posting with the kids who are the most awesome creatures of God in earth! Yeahh I adore kids so much :D

Someone asked me, "Nanti nak ambik pakar apa?"
"Paediatrician cam sesuai"

Yes it's true that I love to play with kids but doesn't mean that I have to become a paediatric consultant right?
Sometimes kan rasa macam nak ambik part time job kat nursery so that I can cuddle all the babies there everyday, everytime I like even when they are sleeping! Haha ~

Back to my past 6 weeks in paediatric posting, I met a lot of kids. From 1 day old until 17 years old. Yes as long as you are school-aged, you will be put in paediatric ward if you are given the 'chance' to be admitted. And those kids of course were not well. And the illness that I encountered most was respiratory infection in which it could be as simple as pharyngitis, bronchiolitis, pneumonia or life threatening status asthmaticus. Not to be forgotten, febrile fit in children (second most common in the list after asthma). So watch out if your child is having fever with a spiking temperature, almost 40 C ok!

Other than those kids in which their illness can be prevented and treated well, I was able to meet more serious cases. I met a 3 months old baby with cystic hygroma with a suction tube connected to her enlarged neck, a 2 years old boy with Tetralogy of Fallot (a congenital heart disease) presented with hypercyanotic spell (bluish discolouration of hands, foot, lip), a 4 years old girl with cerebral palsy (a neurological disorder originate from the brain), hydrocephalus baby, leukemic patients and many more. 

One scenario. During my posting at HRPZII, I met this 4 months old baby girl. Presented with fast breathing, actually she has underlying Kabuki Syndrome (a genetic problem with multiple complications) and Patent Ductus Arteriosus ( a heart problem in which the blood vessel which supposed to close after birth is still there). She needed to be supplied with continuous oxygen using mask that cover all of her face & head ( I forgot the name) and being fed with the milk using tube. The lines were here & there and physically, she appeared obviously different from a normal child. Both of her parents were there by her side (everyday). On my last day there, she was severely tachypnoiec and was sent to ICU. Her parents were just cool but I could sense the worries on their face. 

Sungguh, bukan calang-calang hamba Allah yang mampu terima dugaan seperti ini. Saya selalu terfikir bagaimana seorang ibu/ayah  mampu menjadi begitu kuat tika harus menjaga seorang anak yang tidak sempurna seperti kanak-kanak yang lain? Apatah lagi saat mula2 mendapat tahu bahawa si kecil itu tidak sempurna? Saya tidak punya jawapannya namun saya yakin mereka seorang yang SANGAT SANGAT SANGAT kuat. Anak kecil itu juga kuat. Jika tidak, masakan Allah SWT menguji mereka sedemikian rupa? Senang sahaja kita untuk berkata itu & ini namun yang merasai & menanggungnya ialah mereka. Doa saya agar Allah SWT sentiasa bersama mereka. Ameen ~

Since then, I realized one thing. Be grateful! We were a baby before, a kid and a child who grew normally as the other children. Been born without serious complication that might affect our growth. We played everything we want without limit. In short, we enjoyed our childhood. But not all children of the same age as us were able to do that. They have limits. If not, it might worsen their illness. So tepuk dada, tanya iman. Sudah cukup bersyukur ke kita?

 Our last day in paediatric posting
And I'm going to miss all those kids
May He bless all of you!